Announcements Worship Aid - Sunday, September 6 Worship Aid for Sunday, September 6 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements Mass Intention for 2021 Some parishioners have been asking about mass intentions for the year 2021. In order to give all parishioners an equal opportunity to have masses offered for their intentions, we are
Announcements Reservations for the Weekend of September 5 & 6 Visit our parish website for details on how to register for one of the weekend masses this weekend.
Announcements Walking with Purpose for Young Women Announcing...Walking with Purpose for Young Women! • Looking for a Bible study for young women, filled with practical application? • Would you like to engage with the hearts of other young
Announcements Reservations for the Weekend of August 29 & 30 If you would like to attend one of the public masses this weekend, please follow the links below: Reminders: A face covering is required at all times when you are
Announcements Fr. Pete Invites the Parish to Realm Fr. Pete introduces Realm to the parish and invites everyone to join.
Announcements Free COVID-19 Testing | Pruebas Gratuitas de COVID-19 Our Lady of Fatima will be hosting free covid testing. Nuestra Señora de Fatima estara teniendo pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19.
Announcements Reservations for the Weekend of August 22 & 23 If you would like to attend one of the public masses this weekend, please follow the links below: Reminders: A face covering is required at all times when you are
Announcements Counseling Services Many across East Tennessee are struggling with stress, uncertainty, social isolation, sadness, and worry, as well as spiritual questions.
Announcements New Safe Environment Program VIRTUS is being replaced by Catholic Mutual Group’s Safe Haven Program. Certain ministries and groups are required to take this class.
Announcements Thursday Mass Live Stream Canceled We are in the process of adding a new camera to our live stream system. Because of this, we will not be able to broadcast the mass live stream on
Announcements Welcome to our new website! For the past couple of weeks, we have been hard at work building a dynamic new website. We hope you like it. This large an undertaking is bound to have
Announcements Reservations for the weekend of August 15th & 16th If you would like to attend one of the public masses this weekend, please follow the links below: Reminders: A face covering is required at all times when you are
Announcements Reservations for the weekend of August 8th & 9th If you would like to attend one of the public masses this weekend, please follow the links below: Reminders: A face covering is required at all times when you are
Announcements Livestreamed Baptism – August 2, 2020 at 9:45am Livestreamed baptism on Sunday, August 2, 2020 for friends and family unable to attend:
Announcements Livestream Schedule for the Weekend of August 1-2 Please be aware of several changes to our live streaming schedule this weekend: Saturday, August 1 The Spanish Mass at 7 pm will be live stream only again this weekend
Announcements All Staff Test Negative Thank you all for your prayers. All staff members have tested negative for COVID-19. Please keep up the prayers and practicing safety measures. Some members of our parish are still
Announcements Good News! Both Fr. Pete and Fr. Adam have received a negative on their COVID-19 tests. They are returning to normal parish ministry. We are still awaiting test results on two staff
Announcements Reservations for the weekend of August 1st & 2nd If you would like to attend one of the public masses this weekend (August 1/2), please follow the links below: Reminders: Last week’s reservation is not valid for
Announcements Updates for the Weekend of July 25/26 | Actualizacion Para el Fin de Semana del 25 y 26 de Julio Updates for the Weekend of July 25/26 Saturday, July 25 Out of an abundance of caution, we will be livestreaming the 7 pm Spanish Mass with no in-person attendance.
Announcements Informe de COVID-19 en Nuestra Señora de Fátima Anoche nos notificaron que uno de nuestros feligreses dio positivo por COVID-19. Estuvieron presentes en la liturgia de la tarde del sábado a las 7 pm el sábado 18 de
Announcements COVID-19 Update at Our Lady of Fatima We were notified last night that one of our parishioners has tested positive for COVID-19. They were present at the 7 pm Saturday evening liturgy on Saturday, July 18th. Several
Announcements Live Stream Time Change For July 19 & July 26 As we continue to celebrate our Sacramental Make-Up Masses, the live stream for the English Sunday mass on July 19th and July 26th will be at 1pm instead of 11am