Our Lady of Fatima is blessed to celebrate the announcement that Pope Francis has appointed Father James Mark Beckman, 61, a priest of the Diocese of Nashville for more than three decades, as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Knoxville. The appointment was announced today, May 7, 2024 followed by a press conference.

Please pray for Bishop-Elect James Mark Beckman as he begins his role as Bishop of Knoxville in late July.

Vatican Announcement
Diocese of Knoxville Press Conference
Diocese of Knoxville Announcement

**Prayer for Bishop-Elect Mark Beckman:


Praise to you, Lord our God,
our Eternal Shepherd and Guide,
who has chosen your servant, Mark Beckman,
as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Knoxville.

As he prepares to take up his role as our pastor and teacher,
May your Holy Spirit fill his heart with wisdom and strength,
gentleness and compassion, so that he may always walk in your ways
and be a true shepherd after Your own Heart.

As Bishop-Elect Beckman prepares to make his home with us,
help us to welcome him with joy, and be attentive to his guidance,
so that he may lead us in being Christ’s heart of mercy, voice of hope,
and hands of justice, so that we together may build up your Holy Church.
We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.