Parish Un-Decorating

Please help us take down the Christmas decorations after the 11am mass this weekend. Trucks are needed to help transport the trees, wreathes, and Nativity scene to the garage. Parishioners of all ages can help clear the plants, empty water cups, and remove the foils. Food and drinks will be provided.

Volunteer Needed: Arts & Environment Chairperson

The church looks beautiful decorating with flowers and plants during the celebrations of Christmas & Easter. Would you enjoy taking the lead in caring for the plants and decorations? The ministry of Arts & Environments is in need of a new chairperson. The position requires a weekly watering of the plants inside of church & returning the flower pots to the florist; placing a quarterly flower order to the florist; quarterly Liturgy Committee meetings, and the decoration and care of plants during the Christmas and Easter celebrations. Call Dottie Osborne at 865.233.3260 to discuss and accept this rewarding ministry position.