Our Lady of Fatima is a vibrant and active parish. In accord with the teachings of the Church, we believe “there is a diversity of ministry but a oneness of mission. Christ conferred on the Apostles and their successors the duty of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling in His name and power. But the laity likewise share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the world.” The diverse ministries of our parish reflect the many ways the people of God are called to be like leaven in the world: bearing witness to Jesus Christ and promoting the salvation of all people.

If you are having difficulty deciding which ministry or ministries are right for you, or if you believe God is calling you to start a new ministry at our parish, don’t hesitate to contact us in the parish office, (865) 982-3672 or [email protected]

Adult Formation


The RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process through which men and women enter the Catholic Church. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer and rites at Mass. Participants in the RCIA are known as catechumens. They undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Meets from 7:00-8:30 PM each Wednesday.

[email protected]

Bible and Breakfast

A Bible Study and fellowship over breakfast which meets Thursdays in Columbus Hall from 9am-10:30am.

[email protected]

Children and Youth

Confirmation Program

Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a one-year program through Youth Ministry. The mission of this program is to prepare the candidates to receive the sacrament by helping them to come to know, love, and live our Catholic faith. Youth Ministry is held on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm.

Jessica O'Boyle | 865-982-3672 x 114 | [email protected]

Children’s Liturgy of The Word

For children pre-school through 1st grade. Takes place during the Liturgy of the Word at the 8:30am and 11am Sunday masses. The Sunday readings are presented to the children at an age appropriate level.

[email protected]

Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a lifelong pursuit. The Catechism tells us that parents are the “first heralds” for their children; the family home is the place where faith is both “taught and caught.” We have the honor of assisting parents in this important work; our mutual efforts provide “training for life,” equipping our children to assume their social roles as moral and faith-filled people.

Faith Formation classes follow the school year calendar. Classes for grades Pre-K through grade 5 meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45am. Traditionally, the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion are conferred during the second grade year. Families whose children are in need of sacraments are urged to contact the office as soon as possible.

Jessica O'Boyle | 865-982-3672 x 114 | [email protected]

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry is more than just a “youth group”. Youth Ministry serves the young people of our parish by promoting and supporting a framework for the Catholic faith. We do this through the direction of the U.S. Catholic Bishop’s Conference’s document, Renewing the Vision which shares 8 components of youth ministry: Advocacy, Catechesis, Community Life, Evangelization, Justice and Service, Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, and Prayer and Worship.

Through our program, we regularly provide opportunities for youth to participate and learn about these eight critical areas to further their spiritual and personal development.

Four: 6 Program (Grades 6-12)
Meets in social hall from 4-6pm on Wednesdays. Come for fun, food, do homework, play games, and hang out.

High School Ministry (Grades 9-12)
Meets from 6-8pm in the Youth Room.

Middle School Ministry (Grades 6-8)
Meets from 6-8pm in our Social Hall.

[email protected]

Jessica O'Boyle (Middle School) | 865- 982-3672 x 114 | [email protected]

Luis Ramos (High School) | 865-982-3672 x 113 | [email protected]

Co-ed Groups


This group is designed to increase and continue the conversion process and the living out of what is fundamental for being a Christian; a follow up to those who have been on a Cursillo retreat.

Ultreya 3rd Monday (6:30-8PM)
Vicky Johnson | [email protected]

Tuesday Morning Women's Group
Lois Schering | [email protected]

Wednesday Evening Women's Group
Velma Burke | [email protected]

Thursday Morning Men's Group
Deacon Bill Jacobs | [email protected]

Saturday Morning Men's Group
Baron Johnson | [email protected]

Saturday Morning Women's Group
Toni Jacobs | [email protected]

[email protected]

Fellowship of Young Adults (FOYA)

Young Adults (18+) are invited to gather with others their age who are interested in growing in their faith and meeting new people. FOYA meets twice a month on the First & Third Monday of the month, excluding holidays.

All are welcome to come and talk about life, school, faith, and more in fellowship.

Facebook: Fellowship of Young Adults (FOYA)

Luis Ramos | (865) 982-3672 x 113 | [email protected]

Focolare Movement

The Focolare Movement is a movement of spiritual and social renewal founded by Servant of God Chiara Lubich. It is present in 182 nations and more than 2 million people share closely in its life and work. The Focolare Movement aims at spreading the message of unity worldwide. Its goal is to promote brotherhood and to achieve a more united world in which people respect and value diversity. They meet the first Sunday of the month on Zoom.

[email protected]

Hispanic Ministry

Hispanic ministry in our parish works with different cultures in our area, with different needs, especially spiritual. We serve the two communities (Hispanic and American), when necessary, and work together.

Part of the ministry’s services include:

Bible Study every Monday at 7pm
Prayer Group every Friday at 7pm
First Friday Mass at 7pm
Preparation classes for baptisms and marriage.
Additional preparation classes for other sacraments, if they do not understand the language.
Bible study & Mass or Communion service at the Blount County Jail every Thursday from 11am to 12:30 pm. This is bilingual, for the benefit of all inmates.

Suppers Club

Join other members of the parish for a monthly meal in a parishioner's home. The host provides a main dish while others bring side dishes. All are welcome to join in this time of fellowship. Dietary restrictions can be accommodated.

[email protected]


Finance Council

The Finance Council is a group of parishioners selected by the pastor to serve as a consultative group to assist him in managing the parish's finance.

[email protected]

Office Volunteers

We are happy to have volunteers to assist our office staff. May include answering phones, filing, greeting those who come into the parish office, and mailings. Computer skills optional. Can volunteer for half or full days during regular office hours.

Kim Adamson | (865) 982-3672 x 116 | [email protected]

Parish Pastoral Council

A Parish Council is a group of people who together represent the entire parish and who help plan and guide its growth. They are chosen by the pastor to serve in long-range planning, the setting of parish priorities, and the implementation of programs. The Role of the Parish Council cannot be understood apart from the work to which the entire parish is called. The various ministries and programs of our parish report to the parish council of the activities and happenings to better work together and inform the pastor.

Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the parish library.

If you wish to contact the parish council, please use their email address [email protected].

Baron Johnson - Chair, Environment, & Outreach
Bruce Damrow - Major Events
Monic Gawet - Finance Council Representative
Matthew Hammett - Major Events
Jorge Hernandez - Hispanic Ministry
Darlene Leitz - Spiritual Life
Luis Ramos - Staff Representative
Caprice Richardson - Formation & Youth Ministry
Greg Ward - Social Justice

Liturgy and Environment

Altar Servers

The Altar Servers assist the priest and/or deacon, thereby serving the whole community. Any child that has completed First Communion may be an altar server. Training is held periodically throughout the school year. Servers are scheduled at Masses according to the times their families attend.

[email protected]

Arts & Environment

This ministry maintains plants in the church. They also decorate for Christmas, Easter, and Palm Sunday.

[email protected]

Coffee & Doughnuts

Provides coffee, juice, and doughnuts after 8:30am Sunday Mass in the social hall. Please join us in for fellowship!

[email protected]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic Ministers serve at each Mass, assisting the priest by giving the Body and Blood of Christ. Training is provided. Please contact the ministry leaders below if you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister.

[email protected]

Ministry to the Homebound and the Sick:

If you know of someone who is homebound or sick and would like regularly to receive the Eucharist, please contact us and arrangements will be made. If you believe you are being called to serve in this ministry and carry Jesus to others, please speak with Fr. Adam who coordinates this ministry.

Fr. Joe Austin | [email protected]


Readers proclaim the Word of God at each mass and, when a deacon is not serving, may read the Prayers of the Faithful. Readers also periodically proclaim the Word at weddings and funerals. Training is provided.

[email protected]


Our ensembles at Fatima are comprised of volunteers who faithfully share their time and talents with our parish. They are a diverse group of individuals who come together each week to make music to glorify God. New members are welcome throughout the year, so don’t hesitate to join!

Contemporary Choir: Rehearses every Thursday at 7pm. Sings every Sunday at the 8:30am Mass and the second Saturday of the month at the 5pm Mass.

Fatima Choir: Rehearses every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Sings every Sunday at the 11am Mass.

Instrumentalists of high school age and up are invited to participate at Mass whenever they can. Many of our instrumentalists have played for Holy Days, concerts, and other special occasions, but instrumentalists are welcome to play anytime they can be prepared. Rehearsals will be arranged on an individual basis.

For more information on any of our ensembles, stop by the organ after mass or contact Christy.

Christy Lee | [email protected]


The Sacristans help prepare the worship space and altar for Mass as well as keep the Sacristy in order. They have a reverence for the sanctuary and for all articles and sacred vessels used in worship and liturgical activities. Training is provided by appointment if you are interested in this ministry.

[email protected]


The mission of the Ushers is to provide assistance to our fellow parishioners and visitors to our parish. We greet all with a warm welcome and smile. We open doors, assist with seating, collect the gifts, and hand out programs and bulletins. We provide other assistance as requested by our Pastor, parish office, or other ministries. Any parishioner, age 16 or older, is welcome to join the Usher Ministry.

[email protected]


Assist wedding party at the church prior to their marital ceremony.

Christy Lee | [email protected]

Men Groups

Knights of Columbus (KofC)

Pope John Paul II believes in the Knights of Columbus, an organization started 6 years ago, whose motto is “First and Always Catholic” and whose aim is “a council in every parish to support our priests.” The Knights urge interested and qualified men of this parish, 18 years of age and older, to consider membership in this-the largest organization of Catholic laymen in the world. Part of a Catholic service organization, there are many programs such as church, community, council, family, or youth activities. The Knights promote fund raising events and use the proceeds for charitable works such as support for seminarians, church debt reduction, Right to Life organizations, several Christian organizations, sponsor a Christmas party for the local girls’ and boys’ homes, and donations to needy families at Christmas.

Council 3832 meets on the first Tuesday of each month in Columbus Hall at 7pm for the Rosary, business meeting at 7:30pm. A family social meeting is held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Fatima Center at 6:30pm with Brother Knights and family preparing the meal.

[email protected]

That Man is You

That Man is You! is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of saints to develop the vision of a man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.

[email protected]

Women Groups

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

The Council of Catholic Women’s purpose is to unite all women of the parish through service to others, spiritual development, and social interaction. Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. It is our prayer that God will guide, strengthen, and bless us as we do His work. The CCW meets the second Monday of each month.

Facebook: "Our Lady of Fatima CCW"

[email protected]

Women's Faith Ministry

Are you a mother, sister, wife, daughter, friend? Our Lady of Fatima invites you to join a vibrant community of women who desire to grow in faith and friendship. Our Lady of Fatima’s Women’s Ministry leads Bible & Faith Studies over the course of the year with the goal of enhancing spiritual life among women in our parish. Many of our parish women recommend studies in which they are interested or from authors with whom they have had a positive spiritual experience; we use this input to develop a diverse library of in-person studies that speak to our parish women of all ages. In the course of a year, we offer spiritual studies that will resonate with women, perhaps a day of reflection here and there, a one-day retreat…. whatever is helpful in the growth of faith for women in our parish. We welcome your input and feedback as to what will be most beneficial to your spiritual growth.

[email protected]

Works of Mercy

Catholic War Vets

Our Lady of Fatima has a Post of Catholic War Veterans. The only requirements for membership are to have an Honorable Discharge, be a veteran of any branch of the service, current on active duty or in the reserves.

[email protected]

Comfort Food

Provides meals for grieving families.

[email protected]

Community Food Connection of Blount County

[email protected]

Family Promise

Family Promise partners with 1st United Methodist Church Maryville four times a year providing meals, lodging and meals, and much more for homeless families.

[email protected]

Good Neighbors

[email protected]

Haiti Outreach

Our Parish is twinned (partnered) with the College Monsignor Jean Baptist Decoste in Thomond, Haiti, through the “Parish Twinning Program of the Americas.” The College is a Jr. High and High School for approximately 300 students. We strive to build a community with the students and teachers through spiritual and social interaction as well as material support.

[email protected]

Healing Ministry

The Healing Ministry offers healing prayers for anyone who has a physical, emotional, or spiritual need at Our Lady of Fatima every 3rd weekend of the month. Individual healing prayer will be offered in Spanish immediately following the 7:00 PM mass in Spanish in the church. Individual prayer will be offered in English immediately following the Sunday 11:00 AM mass in the adoration chapel.

You may view all three days of the healing retreat led by Dr. Carol Raza on our website.

Contact Toni Jacobs at (561) 315-5911 if you have any questions.

Jail Outreach

Visits are made each Thursday to the Blount County jail inmates to help them with their spiritual needs and growth.

[email protected]

Quilters & Crafters

Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10 to noon and provides fellowship to parishioners while they make quilts. Part of our ministry is making prayer quilts to give out to those who are sick or suffering. Please contact us if you know someone in need.

[email protected]

Respect Life

This ministry serves the parish and community by proclaiming God’s truth that the gift of human life is sacred from the moment of conception to natural death. Through pro-life education, evangelization, catechesis, pastoral outreach, works of charity, and public policy formulation and awareness, they promote the establishment of a culture of life that respects and supports the sacredness of human life. Meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:45pm, following Mass, in the parish library.

[email protected]

St. Joseph’s Helpers

Parishioners helping parishioners in need. For more information see their informational booklet.

[email protected]