At the direction of Bishop Mark Beckman, the diocese is partnering with the Catholic Leadership institute and all parishes in the diocese are participating in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey. This is an opportunity for you to reflect on your spiritual growth and help our parish and diocesan leadership better understand the needs of our faith community.

The first step along this journey is to assess our greatest opportunities and strengths, and the Disciple Maker Index survey is an important tool that will help us do just that. The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) is designed to:

  • Invite parishioners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
  • Enable parish leadership to make data-driven decisions.
  • And help parishioners grow in their faith.

The DMI survey is live on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. We encourage you to participate as the results will serve to strengthen our parish and better prepare us for the future. A comprehensive report of the findings will be shared with you in the coming months.

You can visit the link below to participate or follow the button at the end of this description. All your responses are completely confidential.

Questions or Need Assistance? Contact the parish office for any help to aid you in completing the survey.

All surveys must be submitted by Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025.

At Our Lady of Fatima, we are blessed in so many ways. Together, using the Disciple Maker Index survey, we will identify our strengths and opportunities in greater detail as we strive to grow in missionary discipleship.

Please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and initiatives of our parish.