“The Lord was able to invite others to be attentive to the beauty that there is in the world because he himself was in constant touch with nature, lending it an attention full of fondness and wonder. As he made his way throughout the land, he often stopped to contemplate the beauty sown by his Father, and invited his disciples to perceive a divine message” [LS 97]. We have been so immensely blessed with God’s gifts of beauty and resources in the natural world - things seen and unseen that work together for a sustainable ecology. As we now enjoy our season of festive holidays, Our Week #24 Way to Care for Creation is to investigate and adopt sustainable practices - shop, drive, and eat less and locally, reduce unnecessary consumerism and waste, being more thankful for smaller gifts. May we also perceive God’s divine message!

For more information contact Mary Tankersley ([email protected]) or the OLOF Care for Creation ministry, or see laudatosimovement.org.