In December 2022, the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, or COP15, will be held in Montreal, bringing scientists from around the globe together to discuss the urgent need to halt biodiversity loss on our planet. Many scientists say that we are currently in an extinction event, evidenced by a rapid reduction of animal and plant numbers and species. And as a long-time birder, I can absolutely say that the numbers of once common birds are noticeably diminished - a sad trend for these gifts from God! This loss occurs mostly due to habitat loss and pollution. “Where certain species are destroyed or seriously harmed, the values involved are incalculable” [LS 36]. Our Week #20 Way to Care for Creation is to read and sign the Healthy Planet, Heathy People petition - let your voice be heard prior to COP15. This petition can be found at (scroll toward the bottom of the page).
52 Ways to Care for Creation - Week 20
Sign a petition to care for creation.